General Notices

Important Notice - Sustainability Fee

Published by Admin | 26-Jun-2024

Starting July 1st, 2024, Aruba will implement a $20 Sustainability Fee for visitors arriving by air to the island. See image below for further details

Interested in Advertising?

Published by Admin | 19-Mar-2023

If you are interested in placing an advert in our ACL Programme Booklet, Please download our Program Book Advertising Form and follow the submission instructions for the advertising package of your interest. Deadline for submissions is May 15, 2023

ACL Women's Programme

published by Admin | 21-Feb-2023


Please note that the special room rate offered by the Jamaica Pegasus hotel (host hotel) is only available if booked before a date to provided. Attendees are advised to make reservations as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The Local committee has worked on negotiating special rates with our host Hotel. Kindly visit the Accommodation page to download the ‘Special Booking’ Form for Special Rates.

July is the busy tourist season in Jamaica and the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel will be holding a limited number of rooms at the negotiated rate for Lectureship attendees. Once that number has been met, any subsequent reservations are subject to availability and possible increased cost if the only available rooms are in a more expensive category.


Everyone travelling to Jamaica must present a valid and approved travel document as evidence of their identity and nationality. The most common and preferred travel document is a passport, but other types of travel documents may also be accepted.

Please visit for more information relating to Jamaica’s entry policies

ACL Promotional Video

published by Admin | 21-Sep-2022